Charitable Giving


“Charity is the most effective form of witness, because in it, people see the love of God.” Pope Francis

Each year, we support a variety of causes, locally, nationally and globally. Our Year 6 Faith in Action group lead this across the school, promoting the causes, collecting donations and running events. We are very thankful for all of the donations that we receive.


MacMillan Coffee Morning

This year, we held our MacMillan Coffee Morning on Thursday 29th September. There were lots of delicious cakes for sale. We raised £231 in total. This will go towards funding care for people who are living with cancer.


At Harvest, we collect non-perishable food items for the South Liverpool Foodbank and the Florrie. Both causes reduce food poverty in our local areas by providing emergency food parcels. Year 3 are visited by volunteers and hold an additional collection as a part of their Listening and Sharing topic.

Nugent Care

We support the local work of Nugent Care who aim to educate, protect and care for vulnerable people through schools, care homes and in the community. In Advent, we support their Light up a Life campaign, where families write messages or prayers in memory of loved ones for a donation. In Lent, we support their Good Shepherd Appeal with a whole school assembly, Easter egg raffles and each class leads their own fundraising activity too. Our Year 6 children attend the Good Shepherd Mass to present the donation.

Fairtrade Fortnight

Every year, we celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight in school with a whole school assembly. The Fairtrade Foundation supports farmers and workers to be paid fairly, achieve workers’ rights and supports them to deal with issues that are affecting them such as Climate Change. Each class takes part in a learning or reflection activity. Our School Council visited the local Coop store. For our parents and carers, we have hosted a coffee morning with information about where and how to buy Fairtrade products. We held a whole school Fairtrade raffle.

Dementia Friendly School

We are proud to be a Dementia Friendly School. At Christmas, our school choir sings for the local care home at Mersey Parks. Pre-COVID, one Key Stage 2 class would visit each week but since then, the care home needs to keep their vulnerable patients safe. Each year, in Dementia Awareness Week, the children learn about how they can help at home and in the community. We will be raising money for Alzheimer’s Society through a Denim for Dementia day and a family Memories walk. Some of our pupils also contributed to the Memories with Grandma resources on the Alzheimer’s Society website.

Asylum Link Merseyside

In Refugee Week, we organise a clothes collection for Asylum Link Merseyside and hold a whole school assembly. In RSHE, we learn about what it means to be a refugee and how we can show empathy. It gives the opportunity for some of our children to speak about their experiences as a refugee within their class.


Working for global justice, we have regular speakers from CAFOD. During CAFOD week, coinciding with the Universal Church theme in Come and See, we raise money as a school through a non-uniform day. The children in the Faith in Action group choose what World Gifts to buy with the money raised.

Our families

We support our families who are in need with food parcels, Christmas gifts and referrals for further support. We have regular visits from our local Councillor and run parent workshops for education and support. At certain times, we invite parents and carers in to choose from a range of free food, items of clothing and toiletries. This year, we are holding a Christmas jumper swap shop to reduce waste and save money.


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