“Our school is committed to

safeguarding children and promoting

children’s welfare and expects all staff,

governors, volunteers and visitors to

share this commitment and maintain a

vigilant and safe environment.

Everyone has a responsibility to act

without delay to protect children by

reporting anything that might suggest

a child is being abused or neglected.

We would expect you to also report to

the headteacher or Designated

Safeguarding Lead any behaviours of

any adults working in the school that

may concern you. By signing our

visitor’s book you are agreeing to

follow the school’s safeguarding

advice to visitors and where

appropriate the code of conduct for

staff and volunteers.”

Designated Child Protection Officers:

Mrs R Davidson (Headteacher)

Mrs J Young (Deputy Headteacher)

Mrs J Clein (Pastoral Lead)

Our free communication app allows us to provide parents with instant access to our important messages and up to date school information.

Please contact the school office if you have not received your personal invite.