
Here at Holy Family, we are extremely proud of our Liverpool Counts Quality Mark Gold Award which was awarded to us in December 2021. The specific remit of the Quality Mark is to tackle the negative attitudes which are prevalent in many areas of our society towards numeracy and mathematics. We aim to challenge these widely held views and promote a culture where people readily understand the impact good numeracy skills and mathematics qualifications can have on the social, financial, health and employment aspects of their lives.

As part of the award, we received a visit from an assessor who commented, ‘From the moment I arrived at the school, it was made clear that this is a school that values maths.’ In each area of our school, it was noticed how maths is at the heart of our learning. ‘I was told as we walked into EYFS, “maths is everywhere in here” and this, indeed, was the case!’ Our children’s love of maths is clear for all to see. ‘The ambassadors are incredibly enthusiastic about their role and their love of maths is evident.’ One comment which made us most proud, was the way in which Holy Family is viewed by our parents. ‘Parents feel incredibly well supported by the school and one told me that “Holy Family is our family.”’


At Holy Family, we believe that maths is a vital skill for life. Being numerate is a necessity for life so we aim for all of our children to be fluent, able to reason and problem solve with confidence.

Please follow our dedicated Maths Twitter account in order to see what maths looks like at Holy Family.

We follow a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in our pupils. Please see our Calculation Policy at the bottom of this page for further details.

At Holy Family, we have adopted the School Improvement Liverpool Plans – the structure of which we have adapted to meet the needs of our children. We have a yearly overview which sets out what we teach when. If you would like to see what your child’s Maths learning journey has been or will be this year, please take a look at our overviews at the bottom of this page.

We ensure progression across our school by using the Progression maps from NCETM which are aligned with our School in Liverpool Maths Plans. Our Early Years Progression map also outlines thr progression children make from the very early development stages in maths.

For more information on EYFS maths, please see the EYFS page.

Maths Workshops for Parents/ Carers

Each term, we hold workshops for parents/ carers so that we can share the strategies your child is being taught at Holy Family. These workshops are slpit into three age groups – Key Stage 1 (Year1 and Year 2), Lower Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and Year 4) and Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and Year 6).

Please see the bottom of the page for the slides used in Autumn’s workshops which are based around the Four Operations of Number.

Here are a list of useful websites for your child to explore at home:

Topmarks for 3 – 5 year olds, 5 – 7 year olds and 7 – 11 year olds.

Corbett Maths – Videos of different methods and example questions.

Maths TV – Math TV features a wide range of Maths videos for different topics.

Aplus Maths – Aplus Math provides Interactive math resources for teachers, parents, and students featuring free Maths worksheets, Maths games, Maths flashcards, and more.

Mathsframe – Mathsframe has more than 170 free interactive maths games.

Maths words – This is an interactive Math dictionary with the defintions of plenty of Maths words.


Here are some great apps that your children can play at home to improve their Maths skills:

Times Tables Rockstars – your child has a login for this. (Please ask your child’s teacher about this is you lose your login details.)

Maths Shed – your child has a login for this. (Please ask your child’s teacher about this is you lose your login details.)


Maths Wiz

King of Maths


If you would like to ‘Brush Up’ on your own maths knowledge, why not take the National Numeracy Challenge? This will take you through a series of questions and signpost you to various different places based on the results. It really is worth having a try!  As a school, all of our staff have had a go!


Meet Our Math Ambassadors!

Our free communication app allows us to provide parents with instant access to our important messages and up to date school information.

Please contact the school office if you have not received your personal invite.