Welcome to Year 6L at Holy Family!

Y6L teacher – Miss Lacey 

Y6L Teaching Assistant – Mrs Burke

 We hope that during the year you will enjoy finding out about all the wonderful things we will be learning in our lessons. To keep up to date with what is happening inside our classroom follow us in twitter @HolyFamilyL8_6L 

Please find below the details of our learning for summer 2023:

Come and See

This term our first topic is Witnesses.  Within this topic, we will know and understand:

The courage to be a witness – Explore

Pentecost: The Holy Spirit enables people to witness to the Easter message – Reveal

Acquire the skills of assimilation, celebration and application of the above – Respond


Our second topic is Healing. Within this topic, we will know and understand:

When people become sick and need care – Explore

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick – Reveal

Acquire the skills of assimilation, celebration and application of the above – Respond

Our final topic of the year is Common Good wherein we link up with CAFOD. We will explore special places and reveal that Christians believe that the diversity of the world and its people is God’s gift.



In Maths, we will be consolidating our knowledge and understanding of place value, calculation and fractions, decimals and percentages.

We will also be learning about ratio and proportion, angles, co-ordinates, shapes and their properties and looking at statistics.

Remember to login regularly to Maths Shed and Times Table Rockstars



We will be using the novel-based approach to develop both our reading and writing skills. Our novel this term will be Slave Girl. We will also explore Henry’s Freedom Box. We will be building upon our understanding of how to apply VIPERS skills when we read texts so that we: understand vocabulary, can infer about what we read, can predict what might happen or what has happened before, explain what we have read, retrieve information and summarise texts. We will write diaries, recounts and produce a non-chronological report on Slavery as well as writing poems linked to this topic area too.



Evolution & Inheritance

In Science we will:

  • recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago
  • recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents
  • identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution

In order to do this, we will build on our previous knowledge of fossils from Year 3 and look at the work of the palaeontologist Mary Anning and the scientist Charles Darwin, reflecting on his theory of evolution. We will also carry out investigations as to how certain adaptations have enabled animals to survive in particular habitats.



Relationships – in this theme, there will be a focus on understanding how others see us and how we would like to be seen by others. This will lead into consideration of stereotyping. The concept of forgiveness will be introduced and the children will consider when it would be appropriate to forgive and the impact that forgiveness might have on both parties. The theme will explore some of the losses that a child might experience and the feelings that are associated with a loss.



In History, our topic is ‘Fight for Freedom’?

Historical skills:  

Pupils will use their factual knowledge and understanding of the history of Britain and its involvement in The Transatlantic Slave Trade as well as the wider world to describe what happened in this period. They will examine and explain the reasons for, and results of, events and change.  

We will select, organise, and deploy relevant information to produce structured work, making appropriate use of dates and times to develop our understanding of chronology.



In geography lessons this term, we will be looking at the Albert Dock. We will further our skills of map reading, six and eight figure grid references and develop an understanding of different types and scale of maps. We will look at the different uses of buildings and land at the Albert Dock and in the surrounding area. We will also apply our knowledge to enable us to draw plans of increasing complexity which plot the route from school to the Albert Dock area.


Design Technology

In DT lessons, we will be looking at nutrition. We will evaluate some foods from different cultures, plan and cook a healthy meal based on our evaluations of different ingredients.



In art lessons, we will be developing our skills in the area of print with a particular focus on the work of the artist Andy Warhol.



In computing, we will be creating a script and then animating a short film for Childnet. We will also combine our writing skills with our animation skills.



Year 6 children will be developing their cricket skills. They will be learn the skills needed to bat and field. We will be working with a specialist cricket coach. PE lessons will take place on a Monday. Please ensure that children wear their school PE kit on Mondays.



Reading, Spelling and Maths homework will be set on a Friday to be returned the following Friday. Children can return reading books to school to be changed as often as is needed but they will always need to be in school on a Friday to have records updated. When your child does not complete homework, there will be an expectation that they finish it during break/ lunchtimes. It is essential that we work together to ensure that homework is completed and returned. Reading daily for at least 15 minutes is an expectation. It is vital that the children are encouraged to do this to achieve the high expectations set for the end of Key Stage 2.



SATs will take place during the week commencing 9th May 2023. It is VITAL that your child is in school on these dates.  


Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s learning or welfare, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 6 team. We are available most days after school on the playground or you can make an appointment via the school office.  We look forward to working with both the children and their families this year.